Connecting with those most-in-need around the world
Sowing seeds around the world.
Earth Heart Growers' vision is to assist and educate the most at need communities around the world with gardening, farming and helping them develop entrepreneurial skills we teach our children in Charleston.
In 2018, Ms. Ramirez had the opportunity to share her garden curriculum "Flower Empower and Healthy Beans", same used by Earth Heart Growers, with Nkabom Montessori School. Efforts led by local Dr. Swenson, Project Okurase founder.
(To learn more about project OKURASE
please visit
Connections with a Montessori school in Egypt have been also made. The school is interested in implementing the gardening curriculum and to start building their own gardening programs to educate their children.
Additionally EHG would vision is to spread its curriculum and support to indigenous communities of South America. Liz had the opportunity to visit her own country, Colombia, South America in 2019 and had the opportunity to make connections with indigenous communities of the Tayrona.
We've been sowing seeds globally as we work towards making the
Earth Heart Growers program
a reality for communities-in-need around the world.
If you are interested in sponsoring a EHG global initiative, please reach out!
Let's Grow Together!